Collar Warranty

We stand behind our products and want everyone to feel good about purchasing from us. That is why we have implemented a warranty for all of our collars. We use heavy-duty webbing and hardware, so our collars are strong and durable. Our collars are tested on pups of all sizes, and we back the integrity of every collar we make.


How the warranty works:


If you buy a collar from us online and the webbing or hardware is not working correctly, we will replace the collar within 30 days of delivery, free of charge.


Warranty Includes:

  • Breaking of buckles with normal use / normal wear and tear
  • Ripping or tearing through webbing with normal use / normal wear and tear


**We recommend that dogs over 95 pounds use our metal buckles. Dogs over 95 pounds using a collar with a plastic buckle are unfortunately unable to participate in our collar warranty.**


NOT Included in warranty:

  • Ripping or tearing of webbing due to chewing
  • Webbing tearing due to cuts from sharp objects
  • Buckle malfunction due to chewing
  • Buckle malfunction not related to normal use
  • Webbing malfunction not associated with normal use
  • Any malfunctions/breakages due to extreme training and pulling
  • Misuse of the collar (see Product Safety & Care Recommendations)


Warranty Exclusions:

  • Purchases from in-person craft fairs
  • Purchases from retail stores
  • Purchases given to someone as a gift/


Due to needing proof of purchase with an order number, we cannot extend this warranty to collars bought in retail stores or at craft fairs. We are also not able to extend the warranty for gifts or second hand uses as we cannot verify the collar was in its original shape when given to another pup. It must be the original purchaser with an order number.


Please note:

Ribbon wear and tear is not part of the integrity of the collar and is used just for the look and design of the collar. With this said, the ribbon is not part of our collar warranty. Please see Product Safety & Care Recommendations to view how to care for the collar and ribbon to avoid rips and tears in the design.




How to request to use our warranty:


If your pup’s collar malfunctions with normal use within 30 days of delivery, a warranty request can be emailed to us at


The email MUST include:

  • Subject about warranty
  • Order number
  • What is wrong with the collar, and when did the incident happen
  • Picture of the collar (We will ask for more if needed)
  • Image and weight of dog (proof may need to be given once the collar is inspected)


Once an email is sent, we will provide further instructions and questions if needed. Picture and weight are requested in the warranty email as we back our plastic buckles up to 95 pounds. Metal buckles are recommended for dogs over 95 pounds.


Please note: We check EVERY collar thoroughly and do not accept warranty replacements due to misuse of the collar.


*There is only one warranty redemption per collar.*